Thursday 12 December 2019

Activity 3: The Greatest of All Time.

1. 1 thing that can be bad when you are the best chess player like Garry Kasparov is that it might be sometimes take long and be very very boring, the player that is versing you might be good as well and he might be so good like you it might take abut 2 hours.

2. The second answer why it is a bad thing is that if you have a special meeting and it is very important, you also have a special competition playing chess but you don't know what to do first because they are on the same timing and you can't change the time which is very stressing.

3. 1 thing why it can be good to be the best chess player is that you can show your awesome skills to all your fans and they might be a good chess player in the world just like Garry Kasparov, your fans will follow your skills and be amazed by it.

4. Another thing why it is good  to be the best chess player is that you could be famous and be known for forever, even in the future people will be talking about your name and it will spread all over the country and new people.
Image result for garry kasparov


  1. Mōrena Pavan, I hope you're having a groovy day!

    Your pro’s (good things) and con’s (not so good things) about being the GOAT of the chest world are very thoughtful. Being famous would be pretty cool wouldn’t it although I agree, it might be kind of stressful at times! Have you played chess before? What are some other games you enjoy playing?

    Ka pai for blogging! I hope that you will keep blogging with us over the summer. Keep working on the teaser week activities and on the 16th of December you can start the Week 1 activities.

    Thanks for your great post and keep up the awesome mahi!
    Eliza :)

    1. Its like you are checking my blog every minute because when I post something and I come to my blog its like your comment is always there but that is no problem, well that is what my blog is for, for people to check out my blog and comment on my work. Anyways Thank you so very very much for commenting on my blog, oh and I don not like playing chess because in the post that you have commented on I said it would be boring sometimes if the player is good and the game might take long, I might have soccer practise at the time of the chess competition if I was playing chess.

      Thank you so much for commenting and maybe I will see you later when you do another comment, Have a fantastic day Eliza!!!!!!! I am so excited for the next comment you are going to write in my blog.


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